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December 7, 2016
Trends in Healthcare Information Technology

Just as the circulatory system delivers oxygenated blood from the largest arteries to the tiniest capillaries, healthcare information technology is infusing every nook and cranny of the healthcare system. Patients use mobile apps to make and track health and fitness goals and book house calls. They go online to reserve slots in emergency departments and […]

November 16, 2016
Physician Burnout: Throwing a Lifeline to Overburdened Physicians

The Affordable Care Act triggered a revolution that continues to impact everyone along the healthcare spectrum, from the patient to the provider to the administrator. No one imagined that physician burnout would be a devastating side effect. The goal of better health outcomes at lower costs has fueled myriad trends. Increased responsibility for copays and […]

November 2, 2016
Combating Physician Burnout in the Age of Digitized Healthcare

When athletes feel the burn, they know that they’re in their peak performance zone. When physicians feel the burn, it’s cause for worry. Today, combating physician burnout is imperative. Burnout is on the rise, due in part to feeling burdened and stressed by the digitization of the healthcare delivery system. Eight years ago, less than […]

October 18, 2016
Trends in Healthcare: Merger, Acquisition, and Consolidation

Healthcare merger, acquisition, and consolidation skyrocketed in 2015, setting a $563 billion record. For 2016, there are no indicators that healthcare organizations are letting up on the gas. Hospitals are doing less outright buying and selling, and instead larger facilities are creating partnerships, affiliates, and joint ventures with smaller hospitals. The managed care sector has […]

August 15, 2016
Employed Physicians: Trends Changing the Landscape of Healthcare Delivery

Over the past century, U.S. healthcare delivery has undergone a sea change. The lone practitioner performing house visits on the barter system gave way to the small practice with hospital privileges operating on a fee-for-service basis. When managed care entered the picture, it paved the way for increases in efficiency, cost control, and quality of […]

July 14, 2016
Cloud-Based Healthcare Communications to Maximize MSSD Productivity

In an emergency room, patients at greatest risk are treated first. If your Medical Staff Services Department (MSSD) is like most, it engages in its own form of triage. Rampant ringing telephones, email epidemics, and outbreaks of in-person requests all compete for the staff member’s attention.  Even for the most adroit multitasker, it can be […]

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