Trends in Healthcare Information Technology

Just as the circulatory system delivers oxygenated blood from the largest arteries to the tiniest capillaries, healthcare information technology is infusing every nook and cranny of the healthcare system. Patients use mobile apps to make and track health and fitness goals and book house calls. They go online to reserve slots in emergency departments and urgent care clinics. They consult patient portals to get test results. They text and email their physicians. Patients’ use of technology has grown in leaps and bounds, reaching 48 percent by 2014, the latest year for which statistics are available.
The federal government’s meaningful use incentives for adoption of electronic health records have spurred 95 percent of U.S. hospitals and 56 percent of office-based physicians to climb on the healthcare information technology bandwagon. Doctors have ready access to evidence-based guidelines for diagnosis and treatment, as well as robust e-prescribing capabilities. Population health management tools help tamp down costs and enable better patient outcomes. Thanks to advances in communication and health monitoring technologies, telehealth is taking center stage as a means to deliver value to both patients and health organizations. On the administrative side, IT has enabled seamless tracking of services rendered and billing methods.
Recognizing the need for integrated healthcare information technology to extend to the Medical Staff Services Department (MSSD), MDsyncNET created a suite of cloud-based tools designed to improve communication and maximize productivity. Just as plaque buildup or a clot can prevent blood from properly circulating, MSSD delays can have catastrophic consequences for the timely flow of information through a hospital system.
MDsyncNET’s Medical Staff Services software module creates a secure home for policies, procedures and meeting schedules that can be accessed on demand. The Phone Directories software module ensures accurate, up-to-the-minute contact information that’s readily available. The Committees software module removes the hassle and expense of printing costs by enabling delivery of consistent, timely materials to authorized users. The Call Tracking software module empowers administrators to audit phone call history in order to optimize the professional staff’s productivity. Four other modules – On-Call Scheduling, Broadcast, Forum, and Text Messaging – round out MDsyncNET’s suite of features. The result? Communication – a hospital’s lifeblood – is effortlessly pumped through the organization, thus streamlining operations, improving physician and employee satisfaction, and reducing costs.