Infographic: 6 Ways that Scheduling Spreadsheets are Costing You Money


If your hospital is utilizing scheduling spreadsheets for physician scheduling, that's negatively impacting your organization's bottom line. There are six ways that scheduling spreadsheets are costing your hospital money.

First, creating schedules manually decreases patient safety. When patient safety is comprised, the result is lower CMS reimbursements, higher readmission rates, and greater exposure to CMS penalties.

Manual schedules also result in higher provider costs. For example, there’s the likelihood that physicians will work more overtime, that they’ll experience higher rates of burnout, and that their productivity will lessen.

In addition, spreadsheet schedules result in poor communication. There are more calls to the wrong physician, an increase in inaccurate switchboard transfers, and slower message delivery time.

Objectively, using spreadsheets for scheduling is inferior to implementing scheduling software. Spreadsheets lead to sluggish schedule creation, a bottleneck when there are scheduling changes, and greater schedule inaccuracy.

Furthermore, spreadsheet procedures are a poor use of staff time. This poor employee utilization manifests as increased operator volume, greater training time, and more time reporting on schedules.

Ultimately, poor scheduling results in lower physician retention. This leads to higher recruitment costs, greater locum tenens needs, and higher onboarding costs.

MDsyncNET has developed this infographic to highlight the six ways that scheduling spreadsheets are costing your hospital money, and ways in which physician scheduling software delivers lower costs and added value.

MDsyncNET’s web-based physician scheduling software delivers four advantages: no set-up fees, no unnecessary bells and whistles, a 98 percent adoption rate across hospitals, and only one hour of training needed. Call 888-506-5061 to see how MDsyncNET can help you champion physician scheduling software in your facility.

You can download a PDF of the graphic here: