How Automated On-Call Schedules Can Improve HCAHPS Scores

Patient satisfaction has become a strategic focus for healthcare organizations across the country. This isn’t surprising, as patients have assumed more of a consumer role in their healthcare. Meaning, hospitals must now make sure their patients remain satisfied with the quality of care they received. The most common way to measure patient satisfaction is via HCAHPS scores from the HCAHPS survey.
In 2015, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) introduced star ratings, which make it easier for patients to choose a hospital and understand the quality of care they can expect. Data from the HCAHPS scores determine the star ratings. They help build a better healthcare system that provides better care, spends money more wisely, and results in healthier, more satisfied patients. While high-quality care has always proved a top priority for all patient-centric hospitals, now it also serves as a financial priority. This is because CMS ties reimbursement to HCAHPS scores. With much-needed revenue at stake, hospitals are searching for strategies to improve the patient experience and ultimately boost HCAHPS scores.
After analyzing 3.1 million surveys, CMS reported that strong hospital communication correlated with the highest overall HCAHPS scores. Furthermore, research shows that doctors with better communication skills can detect problems earlier and provide better support to their patients. In turn, this can lead to higher-quality outcomes, elevated levels of patient satisfaction, and greater patient knowledge of health issues. With the research mentioned above and the fact that three questions on the HCAHPS survey pertain to communication with doctors, it is imperative for facilities to focus on improving the relationship between patients and physicians.
One way to enhance patient-physician communication is to first work on improving the communication between healthcare staff and physicians. For example, taking the time to locate on-call physicians with an outdated schedule or contact information frustrates the staff. It is especially frustrating to the patient, as their needs are not taken care of.
The solution to this common problem lies in implementing MDsyncNET’s automated physician on-call scheduling software.
Thanks to this tool, hospital staff are able to get physician calls right the first time because schedules are immediately updated and available. This allows your team to connect with physicians faster and provide patients with the help they need with the least amount of time and effort.
Involving your medical staff in implementing improved processes of automated on-call schedules will create new efficiencies and allow them to focus on their patients. At the end of the day, accurate call schedules and streamlined workflows make for happier physicians. This leads to more satisfied patients, which directly affects HCAHPS scores.
Here's how automated on-call schedules can improve HCAHPS scores:
Automated on-call schedules can improve HCAHPS scores because they provide healthcare staff with real-time physician on-call schedules and contact information. Further, they boost physician satisfaction and enhance the overall patient experience.
To learn more about how automated on-call schedules can improve HCAHPS scores at your facility, please contact us. We would like to send you a demo of MDsyncNET’s physician on-call scheduling software.